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Books to Inspire Creativity & Revive Your Imagination

To take a buffer of time — a sabbatical, a leave, a break — is a privilege and a unique gift, coming on the heels of a dozen years of running a business. I love to read, and I will take this opportunity to tackle books that have haunted my TBR for years: Roots (900 pages); Demon Copperhead (I couldn’t get into it when I was reading a page or two a night; I want to give it a proper go); maybe even Vikram Seth’s A Suitable Boy (1400 pages) — the favourite book of both my mom and a cherished reader friend. 

I am looking forward to having a season with more time to read for pleasure, but I also want to read for a purpose: to revive my imagination and spark my creativity.

Breaking from my usual book lists — where I only recommend books that I have personally read and can vouch for —, this list is largely books that I have not yet read, but am keen to dive into. Please share any books in the comments that you know or love that fit this list! And... happy reading 😘


Plucky, Creative People

When I read Julia Child's memoir, My Life in France (and I'll reread it this spring for my local book club), I found her so compelling. There is something about the spirit of "giving it a go" — of trying things, without self-consciousness or fear of failure — that honestly, feels like it is from another era. I think that in this cultural moment where everything is on display, the stakes (of anything, any ambition, any attempt, any sudden movement) feels risky. But, I want to recapture and imagine how my life can take on more creative risks. 

Be Ready When The Luck Happens - Ina Garten

This is, essentially, the modern version of My Life in France. Different, but of a similar spirit. I want to consider what her bold career & real estate choices might look like in my life, without quite the same financial safety net.

Fashion Climbing - Bill Cunningham

He was known for being a street style photographer for the New York Times, and was chronicled in the indie doc Bill Cunningham New York. This book, written by him, was unknown to anyone before his death in 2016; the manuscript was found by his family & published posthumously. I read this years ago, and I remember his description of making hats & transforming a rental space into a grand boutique in which to sell them; he insisted on gorgeous floral displays he couldn't exactly afford, so he just didn't eat for a couple of days.

I want to reread and simply soak in the presence of someone so committed to beauty and craft that it supersedes all else. 

Chronicles - Bob Dylan

Gretchen Rubin recommended this as a "haunting, brilliant book", even as a non-fan. I loved A Complete Unknown, but not because I admire his character! I am nonetheless intrigued. 

Originals - Adam Grant

I appreciate Adam Grant's thinking and writing so much; this book's focal point is "how non-conformists move the world".


Books About the Creative Act & Imperative

Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert

The Creative Act: A Way Of Being - Rick Rubin

The Art of Memoir - Mary Karr

Bird by Bird - Anne Lamott

The Artist’s Way - Julia Cameron

Steal Like An Artist - Austin Kleon

Daily Rituals - Mason Currey

The Creative Habit - Twyla Tharp

Art + Faith - Makoto Fujimura

I have only read Big Magic (on audio as I stained cedar for the ceiling of our bathroom — a decidedly creative act, I decided). I'm honestly not a EG fan, but was a huge fan of her perspective in this book. Create because you love it, create because you must, create without your success hinging on the response of others. This was the mentality that took her through the wild success of one book, the middling response of another, and the cancelled publication of her latest... your creativity is not dependent upon its "results". I love that.


Living Differently

Slow Productivity - Cal Newport

The best thing I've read in months; very insightful into my own work rhythms and why they were constantly veering away from actual production of good work to be proud of, to busy-work and pseudo-productivity. His examples illuminate how "productive" people of the past (Marie Curie, Jane Austen, Jewel) employ an ebb and flow of focused work and rest/unstructured time, and limit the scope of their projects so that they don't burn out from the overwhelm and fill time with fake work.

Unreasonable Hospitality - Will Guidara

A different way of looking at service, in any work setting. Super out of the box & creative. 

The Power of Moments - Chip Heath & Dan Heath

Why do certain brief experiences have an outsized impact on our lives & memories? Why is a divey hotel with a popsicle hotline the best-rated hotel in L.A.?

Many of our defining moments are by happenstance, but this book captures the common features that make some of them memorable and meaningful for life. Why wouldn't I want that insight for my own family and work future? 

How to Know a Person - David Brooks

After 10+ years of a lot of alone time, I am very open for some new insights on conversation beyond the surface & cultivating deep relationships.

Enjoying Others’ Art

The Art of the SNL Portrait - Mary Ellen Matthews

The photographer behind 25 years of the "bumper" screen portraits that show between commercial breaks on SNL. These remind me of the magazine US in the 90s (before it became the gossip-focused Us Weekly in 2000), when I used to cut out fabulous, artistic portraits and sticky-tac them to my wall.

Loft Law: The Last of New York City's Original Artist Lofts - Joshua Charow

In 1982, a law was enacted in Manhattan to grant rent stabilization to thousands of artists living illegally in commercial-zoned lofts in the manufacturing district. Three years ago, Charow found a map of these remaining buildings, then photographed and interviewed 50 artists still living in these spaces. I am inspired by his idea, for one; and, like Bill Cunningham's weird, New-York-creative life, want to bask in the ideas & lifestyles of these subjects.

Wild Interiors & Wild Creations - Hilton Carter

I own these books and they are bursting with art and gorgeous interior styling, in addition to plants and (in Creations) projects. Remember sitting and looking through a coffee table book, just to be inspired?


Happy reading & creating!

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