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Would I Want This At Full Price?

We were shopping the other day in a sort-of-department store, and my husband found a shirt, in a brand he likes, that was heavily discounted to $25 (something comparable might be ~$80).

He did ultimately buy it, but said later, “I had to really think about: do I want this because it is $25? Or, do I want it because I like this shirt? If I wouldn’t have bought it at a higher price, I probably won’t want to wear it, even at a lower price.” 

Dropping the wisdom bombs!

If you interact with… anywhere on the internet, you will see ads for, or stumble upon, sites of heavily discounted items. Many are discounted beyond what seems prudent (much less, possible): $10 down from $50, $5 down from $80, etc. 

It is so compelling to go for it, but that question, that pause. is so helpful to remember. Do I really want this? Would I still want it if it was twice the price? What about at the regular, undiscounted price? Or am I reacting with urgency or a sure-why-not-ness because of the low price?

I am far from immune — I saw an ad for jewellery on Facebook with the story that the owner was closing up her business to spend more time with her family. I liked the image and, OF COURSE as a Mom/Business Owner, I was touched. Before I knew it, I had added to my cart several pieces under $10, because they seemed like "such a great deal".

[Spoiler alert & side note: The whole store was a scam — sending people bad versions of what they though they’ve ordered, if they send anything at all. Trading on a fake story — “making the difficult decision to discontinue our little shop so that I can spend more time with my daughters so that they can grow up to be a positive light in our world!” — is one of the most egregious lies I can remember!! Beware out there!]

But, after I'd shaken my head of the whole thing (fortunately, spotting the shady clues before I got too far), I realized — I really didn't need or even want that stuff. Would I have sought out that necklace for $40? No way. Do I need it for $7? Nah. 

I love a good deal, but I think I only really want to get good deals on the things I might have bought anyways; the things that are actually worth the full amount (even if I might not be willing or able to spring for them). In the very least, it's a question worth asking: Would I ever want this at full price?


This is wisdom indeed…

It’s not a deal unless it’s a deal for you! Some of the best clothing I’ve purchased WAS full price – uncomfortably so, but I knew the pieces would be comfortable and useful. And they were.

So yes, if it’s not worth it at full price, it is unlikely to be worth it on sale (I can, however, think of exceptions to that rule).

Thanks for sharing wisdom!

Elsie Xynos

I love your blankets. I’ve bought 3 already as well as gifts for friends.

Any chance you can make more of the large Kantha throws? I find there isn’t as much variety and colours with those. I’d love to see more blues, greens, yellow and pink.

I want to buy a few more, but the colours are too dark with the current selection.

Just thought I’d pass this along.

Thank you!

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