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dignify's Shop Good blog

Summer Nostalgic Reads

Summer Nostalgic Reads

I love summer, and I think at least partly it’s because as a rebel (who resists expectations) I am nostalgic for the glory days of few obligations or responsibilities. I wrote about this last week… it’s a theme! And what is more leisurely than strolling the stacks at the library, then lazily reading on the hammock, couch, in a treehouse, on a blanket spread in the grass or on the sand. I seemed to have the luxury of endless hours of reading in my youth, though now that pleasure is mostly saved for holidays and Sunday afternoons.

Summer Boredom

Summer Boredom

We have 3 school-aged kids who are on summer holidays. I love summertime, and I’m feeling the tension of wanting to soak up every minute and maximize these fleeting times with my kids, with the day-to-day, continued needs of life. I want to play, adventure, create memories; I want to be with my kids to craft, explore, linger over board games, walk to get a cold treat.  I also have responsibilities to work, to function, to plan, to keep the life-wheels in motion.  Is this the lie, the false pressure of modern motherhood? That nagging insecurity — when I’m doing this, maybe I should be doing that; and visa versa?

5 Ways I Try to Un-digitize My Life

5 Ways I Try to Un-digitize My Life

The threat of technology to our humanness is no new fear (hello, Blade Runner! …actually: goodbye, you are a super boring movie 😆). But, there seems to be an acute crisis of our current cultural moment, as we relate to technology. Here is just a fraction of writings from the past month addressing this:

Beauty As A Necessity

Beauty As A Necessity

With so much pain, brokenness, ugliness in the world, attention to beauty, joy, & wonder is absolutely necessary! Beauty may not solve problems itself... A stunning photograph will not end famine or war. Banksy's graffiti art does not solve Middle eastern contested-land conflicts. But, the restoration, hope, and inspiration that come from creativity and beauty are like gas in the tank — fuel for the drivers & changers of the world.

Decoding Return Policies

Decoding Return Policies

We don’t receive a lot of returned items, but it does happen. Of course! There is some degree of risk in shopping online, always. Stores take different approaches to return policies, sometimes with great sophistication in how it will impact your willingness to purchase. Here's a little peek at what I've learned over the years (as a customer and also as a retailer) about return policies.

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